
类型:剧情 传记 战争  伊朗   2001 

主演:Nelofer Pazira Hassan Tantai Sadou  



在飞机上,阿富汗女记者纳法斯(尼罗法•帕兹拉 Nelofer Pazira 饰)用录音机记录着前往坎大哈的历程。阿富汗爆发内战后,她逃往了加拿大,但是当她接到表妹的绝笔书后,毅然决定重返故乡,拯救欲在月蚀日自杀的表妹。她跟随行人员跳伞降落在这片满目疮痍的地方。战后,那里 的孩子依旧没有摆脱恐惧的阴影,他们在学校里接受者枪械的训练,嬉戏时做踩响玩偶就死的游戏。那里的一夫多妻制依旧存在,妇女们依旧虔诚诵经,遮盖黑纱,不敢逾越礼教的法度。红十字会为当地人送来的假肢,但有的人却用假肢做起了生意。法尔斯在访谈中,遇到了一位易容的美国医生,为了搭救表妹,他们并肩前行……

Nafas is a reporter who was born in Afghanistan, but fled with her family to Canada when she was a child. However, her sister wasn't so lucky; she lost her legs to a land mine while young, and when Nafas and her family left the country, her sister was accidentally left behind. Nafas receives a letter from her sister announcing that she's decided to commit suicide during the final eclipse before the dawn of the 21st century; desperate to spare her sister's life, Nafas makes haste to Afghanistan, where she joins a caravan of refugees who, for a variety of reasons, are returning to the war-torn nation. As Nafas searches for her sister, she soon gets a clear and disturbing portrait of the toll the Taliban regime has taken upon its people.

宗教投机者之间的利用和被利用 --- 《坎大哈》。《坎大哈》跟着太阳,跃过沧海。《坎大哈》——这个国家会有好的未来吗?。Kandehar。谬。。。