
类型:纪录片  中国大陆  2015 

主演:陈年喜 邬霞 乌鸟鸟 老井 吉克阿优 许立志 

导演:吴飞跃 秦晓宇 



An assembly line worker in an Apple factory who commits suicide at the young age of 24, leaving behind 200 poems of despair-"I swallowed an iron moon....."; a guileless lathe operator who is rebuffed at every turn, living in the world of his poetry; a female clothing factory worker who lives in poverty but writes poetry rich in dignity and love; a coalminer who works deep in the earth year round, trying to contact and make peace with the spirits of his dead coworkers through his poetry; and a goldmine demolitions worker who blasts rocks several kilometers into mountainsides to support his family, while writing poetry to carry the weight of his fury and affections-"My body carries three tons of dynamite...." They could be any of the 350 million workers in China, and yet these five are also poets. Using poetry as a tool to chip away at the ice of silence, they express the hidden life stories and experiences of people living at the bottom of the society. This is one story behind the ...

阳光不会公平的洒在每个人身上。劳动者身份的尴尬错位。我的诗篇 | 情怀和感动之后,工人诗歌如何挑战资本的逻辑。只谈情怀的纪录片都是耍流氓。少数民族汉语写作者:为谁发声。《我的诗篇》的诗篇。诗歌是生活的另一种表达。少数的诗人,多数的众生。百无一用是诗歌。。“诗歌”在“电影”面前,显得如此廉价与弱势。