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无尽冰原,寂静无声。松鼠斯克莱特(Scrat)找到一枚坚果,他欢欢喜喜地穿过冰原,爬上了一棵巨大的树干。这棵树早已拦腰折断,空洞的树心成为斯克莱特最好的仓库。如今这里已经密密麻麻塞满了坚果,斯克莱特始终无法将新采来的坚果塞入其中,甚至因为过于用力还导致整个坚果堆崩溃。成百上千的坚果从树干中如潮水般喷涌而出,裹挟着斯克莱特跌落悬崖。多年的心血怎能功亏一篑?即使在坠落过程中斯克莱特也全然不顾个鼠安危,奋力搜集着每一枚坚果。执着如斯,殊为难得…… 本片为动画片《冰河世纪》的配套短片。
Scrat is putting one last acorn into a huge and very neatly arranged stash, but it keeps popping up. He jumps on it -- once too often, and the whole stockpile falls through a knothole in the tree stump. The acorns and Scrat fall a very long way; on the way down, Scrat collects them into a huge ball. Everything hits the ground, and Scrat must pull out of the snow quickly to avoid one last acorn, which is becoming red-hot from the reentry force. It hits the Earth, with a major impact. But at least Scrat has that acorn - or does he?