
类型:喜剧 爱情  中国大陆   2016 

主演:秦海璐 范逸臣 翁家明 区宁 刘品言 徐洁儿 包伟铭 包小柏 



陈美智(秦海璐 饰)是电视台购物频道的主持人,即将和交往多年的男友携手步入婚姻的殿堂。然而,沉浸在幸福和对未来的憧憬之中的陈美智,却被兜头浇了一盆冷水——她的男友竟然在他们的婚期临近之际背叛了她。祸不单行,陈美智在一场意外之中掉进海里生命垂危,所幸得到了婚纱摄影师广清(范逸臣 饰)的出手相助才捡回了一条命。   之后,陈美智的生活彻底的走入了死胡同之中,不仅感情破碎,事业上亦屡遭小人,最终落得无家可归的悲惨境地。此时,广清再度拉了陈美智一把,让她暂时住进了自己家里。孤男寡女朝夕相处,在摩擦碰撞不断的日子里,两人的感情也渐渐升温。

Shopping channel host Chen Mei Zhi (Hailu Qin) strongly believes in a study that found that a woman on average kisses 22 men before finding the love of her life. She greatly looks forward to marriage, but after getting betrayed by her fiancé, she ends up with no groom, no banquet and no home, just bridal photos. Sealing her bad luck, Mei Zhi accidentally falls into the sea. Fortunately, she gets rescued by her wedding photographer Guang Qing (Van Fan), who temporarily takes her in. With their vastly different personalities, Mei Zhi and Guang Qing bicker constantly, but as the days pass, they become increasingly accustomed to each other's presence. It seems they could just go on living together like this, but the appearance of a wealthy suitor (Chia-Ming Weng) and a girl (Esther Liu) from Guang Qing's past forces them to reassess their relationships.
