
类型:科幻 冒险  波兰  1988 

主演:安德烈·瑟韦林 杰吉·特雷拉 格拉齐娜·迪拉格 瓦尔德马·科纳克基  



A small group of cosmic explorers, including a woman, leaves Earth to find freedom and start a new civilization. They do not realize that within themselves they carry the end of their own dream. They eventually die one by one, while their children revert to a primitive native culture, creating new myths and a new god. Some time later, a space bureaucrat, running from a broken heart, arrives and finds the colonizer's descendants enslaved by bird-monsters called Cherns. Society is divided into numerous classes, and everyone is waiting for the arrival of a messiah. The newcomer is considered a suitable candidate, and for some time he lives as a god. In the end he is crucified by his people.

Pain has a way。异星幻想曲。《银色星球》字幕。祖拉斯基之疯人毁灭史。谁能看懂这片?。所谓的诺斯替背景与野蛮的月亮女神缪斯。每当我觉得自己算是个穷酸装逼女文青时总有一个导演会把我撂倒并告诉我——你对艺术一无所知。关键词。來自另一個世界。真理狰狞的面孔。