
类型:悬疑 惊悚 恐怖  西班牙  2006 

主演:Javier Gutiérrez 蕾欧诺·瓦特林 Sancho Gra 



索尼娅(蕾欧诺·瓦特林 Leonor Watling 饰)和书亚(哈维尔·古铁雷斯 Javier Gutiérrez 饰)是一对刚刚结婚没多久的新婚夫妇,浓情蜜意的两人正沉浸在幸福和喜悦之中。更幸运的是,两人刚刚迎来了他们爱情的结晶——一个小小的,可爱的婴儿。一家三口搬进了装修一新的新房子里,准备在这里开始她们崭新的生活。   索尼娅在孩子的婴儿房里装了一个监控器,这样可以看得见婴儿的一举一动确保他的安全。然而,很快,索尼娅就发现,这个房子里除了他们三人外,似乎还存在着一个“第四者”。而这个第四者出没的地方,正是婴儿房。离奇诡异的事件接二连三的发生着,挑战着这对夫妻的神经。

In Spain, the sports journalist Juan has a perfect life with his wife Sonia: they have just had a baby and moved to an old house that needs to be repaired in a fancy neighborhood. When Juan's sister and her husband visit the couple, they give them an electronic nanny to monitor the baby's room. During the night, Juan and Sonia hear voices in the room but they do not find anybody. On the next day, Juan hires an alarm system for the house and a monitor to observe the baby's room. When Juan sees a man in the room, he gets a knife to protect his son. However, Sonia believes her husband is insane and moves to her mother's house. Juan investigates the happening with the former journalist Domingo, who explains him the paradoxical experiment Schrodinger's Cat and the existence of parallel worlds. Further, he advises the obsessed Juan to leave the house otherwise could be trapped in another world.