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师父出门前,叮嘱小和尚爱惜树上的花朵,切忌摘花,小和尚答应连连,哪知口中刚念过几句佛经,已进入梦国。门外的响动把他惊醒,本以为是师父返回,不想只是想进院的市井之辈,小和尚没做理睬继续装模作样地念经。被拒在门外的武士和随从就势坐下喝酒,酒香飘进小和尚的鼻子,他爬上墙用佛珠从武士的酒碗中沾上几滴,美滋滋下肚。 武士见此情形,命随从隔着门递过去满满一碗酒,小和尚痛快喝完,舀起小河中的水浇到二人身上。大怒的武士计上心来,再用飘香的美酒作诱饵,成功将小和尚钳制,顺利来到院中。开满花朵的树下,小和尚终在狡猾的武士和随从面前酩酊大醉,他甚至把自己幻化成身穿红衣的妖冶女子,将戒酒戒色的师训忘得一干二净,至于树上美丽的花朵,睡梦正酣的他自也是顾不上照看的。
A cautionary tale. A monk's acolyte follows his master back to the master's garden, where branches of beautiful blossoms grow. A sign forbids the breaking of the branches. The master leaves, the acolyte chants, but soon falls asleep. Two men approach the gate into the master's garden. They knock. The acolyte awakes, peeks through the gate, and decides not to let them in. One of the two men uncorks a canteen of sake and pours some out into a flat bowl. The acolyte smells the sake. Is this a ploy? What do the strangers want?