
类型:动画 短片  捷克斯洛伐克  1991 




咖啡馆是浓缩的人间,在这小小的方寸之地,人们散布消息获取消息,透过人与人交谈的方式,可以窥见人生百态。   有喜欢对他人喋喋不休的讲者,就有擅用左耳朵进右耳朵出功夫的听者;有礼貌地向他人打招呼者,就有同样礼貌地给予配合者,至于彼此寒暄是为什么,各自心知;有毫无情趣的男人,就有想以自己的万种风情将另一种男人征服的女人;有滔滔不绝讲别人是非的女人,就有配合着和她说得不亦乐乎的同伴……爱情伴随人们一生,咖啡馆里最少不了的便是,经常有人奏响爱情的悲喜协奏曲,经常有人侧耳将这协奏曲倾听。

In a cafe, people talk, their words become expresively-shaped balloons. An older waiter tries to connect with a young woman who's reading. She brushes him off, but gets into an animated and romantic conversation with a young man. A dog goes from table to table drinking beer and wine when people aren't looking. Older men talk about sexual conquests until one of their wives interrupts them. The young couple argues; he starts to leave, she pleads, he leaves anyway. The waiter tries to help. Old guys talk until they nod off. Women chat. Later, as the waiter cleans up, the finds the young woman's book. He sighs, the dog sleeps it off.

沉默的时间 皆记录在案。屌丝,屌丝,屌丝...。谁是恒在的旁观者。呼唤伟大的话语。《语词 语词 语词》……酒话连篇!。我看见了语言的形状。永远珍惜自己的每一句话。笑看世态,品味人生。需要去想。形形色色的语词。