资源名称 | 类型 | 大小 | 下载 |
磁力链苹果.2007.hd1080p.国语中字.mp4 | HD/1080 | 下载 | |
Lost.In.Beijing.(Pingguo).2007.DVDRip.SiGoTuri | 未知 | 698.38 MB | 下载 |
极寒之城 Atomic.Blonde.2017.Bluray.1080p.DTS-X-HD-7.1 | x264/1080 | 6.61GB | 下载 |
厉害了我的国2018(6集全)Amazing China HDTV.MP4-homefei | HD | 8.25GB | 下载 |
[CMCT].苹·果.2007.国语中字£CMCT牛仔 | 未知 | 1.46GB | 下载 |
2007苹果HD1080P国语中字.mp4 | HD/1080 | 2.29GB | 下载 |
资源名称 | 类型 | 语言 | 下载 |
刘苹果(范冰冰饰)在北京一家洗脚城里做按摩妹,丈夫安坤(佟大为饰)是负责清洗高楼落地窗的工人,二人生活贫困,却相亲相爱。 洗脚城老板林东(梁家辉饰)是个好色的港商,时常找不同小姐满足生理需要。老婆王梅(金燕玲饰)不能生育,经营一家美容院,两人感情冷淡。 一日刘苹果的好友小妹因为得罪客人而被开除,二人喝得酩酊大醉。神志混乱的苹果误打误撞走到一间足浴客房,正好是林东的休息室,二人发生关系,却被正在刷窗的安坤看到。 安坤欲借此敲诈林东,并前去找王梅谈判,愤怒的王梅要林东也尝尝“戴绿帽”的滋味,于是与安坤发生关系。 而在这时,一个更大的变故产生。苹果怀孕了,而到底谁才是这个孩子的父亲成了林东与安坤赌博的筹码,四人签订协议,如果是林东的骨肉,他将给二人十二万元的补偿费,而如果是安坤的,则双方互不相欠......
Lin Dong and Wang Mei are a childless couple in Beijing, wealthy, approaching middle age. Lin owns a foot-massage parlor. One afternoon he rapes one of his workers, Liu Pingguo, who has nearly passed out from drinking alcohol with a friend. Part of the assault is witnessed by Liu's husband, An Kun, a window washer. He's angry with the boss and with his wife, and he seeks compensation. Lin's wife counsels him and joins in revenge. Then, Liu realizes she's pregnant and a set of emotional calculations ensues: Lin wants to buy the child, Wang agrees but has conditions, An Kun goes back and forth and barely contains his anger; Liu withdraws. The baby comes. Can anything be sorted out?
《苹果》:这是一个怎样的新时代。My Desire is So Strong。禁得理所当然:不和谐的苹果。红颜第二章。普遍性与针对性。关于苹果或迷失北京的,有的没的。。《迷失北京》(《苹果》):削苹果的中国人。在中国,拍一部电影容易吗——由《苹果》所想到的。苹果,或迷失北京,不幸的人们是相似的。好好一个苹果,被广总捣成果酱。