
类型:剧情 喜剧  伊朗  2012 

主演:Farhad Aeesh 赫玛永·厄沙迪 Shahrokh Estak 

导演:Kazem Rast Goftar 


四个性格迥异、信仰不同的人,为了等待支票兑换成现金得到自己应有的一份,不得不在一起共同度过一天两夜。尽管谁看谁都不顺眼,但还是要互相忍让至少30个小时。但更严峻的问题是:他们每个人都想独吞巨款!   《支票发财梦》是一部融合了悲剧主题色彩,但又穿插了喜剧和强烈冲突元素的现实题材的电影。在影片中,纪录片式的拍摄风格带有浓郁的德黑兰色彩。影片不厌其烦的强调包容的可贵性,就是因为在像德黑兰这样有如此多的贫穷人口的城市,民主终是不可避免的选择。   男主角之一扮演者胡马云·埃沙迪曾出演《刺杀本拉登》,《最高通缉犯》,以及《追风筝的人》等影片。

Despite their different characters and beliefs, four persons are obliged to spend two nights and one whole day together as they are going to have their shares after cashing a check. Although they contradict each other in every possible way, each of them has to respect the others for at least thirty hours. But there is something else going on: everyone is looking for a way to take the whole money!