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安东尼•齐默是洗黑钱高手,但他手法高超,警方想方设法也无法将其抓获。而另外一个似乎毫不相关的浪漫故事在法国南部上演。弗朗索瓦(伊万•阿达勒Yvan Attal 饰)刚刚与女友分手,坐在开往蓝色海岸的火车上,旅游散心。怎料一段艳遇完美上演——风情万种的吉雅拉(苏菲•玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)上前搭讪,邀他共度周末。 短暂的浪漫过后,吉雅拉无故失踪。弗朗索瓦千里寻芳踪,在辗转反复的寻找过程中,他发现了吉雅拉不可告人的秘密。可是,更大的秘密,恐怕是安东尼和弗朗索瓦自己的故事……
In Nice, the international police force and the Russian mafia are chasing Anthony Zimmer, an intelligent man responsible for laundry of dirty money in France. Zimmer had extensive plastic surgery, and his new face and voice are completely unknown. The only means to reach Zimmer is through his beloved mistress Chiara, who is under surveillance of the police and the mobsters. While traveling by train to the country nearby Nice, the common man François Taillandier, who has the same body shape of Zimmer, is select by Chiara as if he were Zimmer and used as a bait to lure those that are pursuing her. When Taillandier is chased by the professional Russian killers, he runs the French police when the real situation begins to be disclosed to him.
贪心导演:要你的第二次。浪漫曲折的爱情故事。逃之夭夭。逃之夭夭。法国人不允许不优雅。[嘻皮流水] 逃之夭夭。双重身份双重收获。悬疑中玩转法式爱情。那一刻我信了。爱就是爱。