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在这部纪录片中,我们不仅能看到贾斯汀·比伯巡回演唱会的片段,而且还能一窥比伯成名的路途。 贾斯汀·比伯1994年出生在加拿大。在很小的时候,他就展示出了过人的歌唱和舞蹈天赋。后来,贾斯汀·比伯便开始在自己的家乡,安大略的斯特拉特福德的街头表演。比伯的妈妈把比伯比赛和表演的录像传到了YouTube上,目的是为了方便家人观赏。但却引来了众多网友的观看热潮。随后,贾斯汀·比伯在网络上成为了受人热捧的明星,并渐渐演变成了一种网络现象。接下来,贾斯汀·比伯依靠自己的才华和实力,一点一点地成为了这个世界上最炙手可热的超级明星。 在影片的最高潮,我们看到已经成为巨星的贾斯汀·比伯在纽约的麦迪逊花园广场举办自己的演唱会。全世界都在为这个年轻人喝彩、而他就是活生生的美国梦的标本。
The camera follows Justin Bieber (1994- ) during the ten days leading up to his August, 2010, sold-out show at Madison Square Garden. Footage of these ten days of concerts, rehearsals, and down time with boyhood friends, his mom, and his entourage is inter-cut with home movies, old photos, and interviews showing a musical prodigy who loves to perform, comes to the attention of an Atlanta agent via YouTube, impresses Usher, and rockets to international stardom soon after his 15th birthday. His manager emphasizes the importance of social media and of Justin's work ethic and personality in making him a star; the camera emphasizes Bieber's look. His mom and grandparents shine.
如果美国没有B宝。划时代的传奇--逼波儿。大家来围观IMDB上对于本电影的评论,这个电影要创造历史了~~~。好评如潮吹!。歌童贾斯汀的励志片。我承认我很矛盾。。贾斯汀比伯。im Belieber forever.。我想看 但是不想看3D!。just happens to know justin bieber。