
类型:剧情  法国  1943 

主演:瑞奈·福尔 珍妮·霍尔特 Sylvie 米拉·帕雷利 玛丽-埃莱娜·达 



玛丽安娜(Renée Faure 饰)从小立志成为一名修女,而在偌大的修道院中,没有任何一个人对待上帝能有玛丽安娜这般虔诚,因此,玛丽安娜成为了修女们眼中的异类。对于同伴们的嘲笑和奚落,玛丽安娜并不在意,侍奉着上帝的每一天都让她的内心感到无比的宁静和快乐。   某一天,这种宁静被打破了,她听见了上帝的声音,让她帮助名叫泰莱斯(Jany Holt 饰)的女人。泰莱斯是一个妓女,犯了谋杀罪行的她为了逃避惩罚躲入了修道院中。对于玛丽安娜的照顾和关怀,泰莱斯置若罔闻,在内心里,她甚至不相信上帝的存在。终于,警察来到修道院逮捕了泰莱斯,玛丽安娜伤心欲绝。被逐出教会的她依然日日躲在教会后面的树林里祷告,终于患上不治之症。临死前,泰莱斯被带到玛丽安娜的跟前,在她憔悴虚弱的脸上,泰莱斯仿佛看见了上帝,也看见了自己的罪孽。

Rich young Anne-Marie thinks she has found her vocation when she joins a Dominican convent as a novice. The convent specialises in rehabilitating female prisoners, and Anne-Marie becomes especially fascinated with Therese, trying to get her to join the convent to redeem her for her sins - but Therese protests her innocence. However, when released, Therese shoots the man who committed the crime for which she was imprisoned, then joins the convent, where she is reluctant to tell anyone her secret, least of all Anne-Marie. Meanwhile, outside the convent, a police search is widening...

布勒松的起点。导演的话//让•吉罗杜(Jean Giraudoux)。[Film Review] Angels of Sin (1943) 6.9/10。“不要服从我的命令,要服从我的静默。”。