
类型:喜剧 情色  西德  1975 

主演:Karin Lorson Sepp Gneissl Christine 

导演:Hans Billian 阿洛伊斯·布鲁默 


Marianne和她的男朋友私奔到Liebesnest酒店,在得到她后没有付房钱就甩了她,她不想回家就在酒店找了一份女服务员的工作,其中包括向客人提供性服务,但需额外收费。   一名女猫窃贼每晚潜入Liebesnest,每当她被抓到时,都会与抓住她的人发生关系,过后他们才会安静的放她走。   她的父亲发现了她在酒店工作的事情,酒店为她的父亲安排了一位妓女并以此要挟他让他放过Marianne,让Marianne追逐自己的梦想,后来工作中Marianne认识了新的男朋友,辞去了工作。

Hannelore Reitzler elopes with her boyfriend to the Hotel Liebesnest but he leaves her during the night after failing to take her virginity. Not wanting to return home, Hannelore takes a job as a chambermaid at the hotel, which involves giving sexual favors to the guests at an extra charge. Meanwhile, a female cat burglar sneaks into Liebesnest every night and whenever she gets caught, she offers her body to her captors to keep them quiet.

雄鹿旅馆《Bienenstich im Liebesnest 1975》。