An Innocent Delilah0.0

类型:剧情 短片  美国  1914 


导演:Ulysses Davis 


Peter Waring, a young rancher, represents his district in a court fight against a power corporation, which has diverted the water from the irrigation ditches. White, his lawyer, is secretly bought over by the corporation and traitorously confiscates the records showing the ranchers are entitled to the water rights. Waring meets Lilah, beautiful daughter of Richard Dunham, President of the Power Corporation, falls in love with her, and she with him. Just before the day of the trial, he accidentally discovers the missing papers in White's office. White misinforms Waring as to the date of trial, and Dunham induces his daughter to innocently give Waring a party in his honor on that day. He leaves the precious records with Lilah for a few moments and her father gains possession of them. Jim Lincoln, White's junior partner and Waring's friend, warns the latter that the trial is scheduled for that very day, and springing on a horse, Waring rides like mad to reach the courtroom. There he finds the papers have been stolen and accuses White of treachery. He is ordered to leave the courtroom. Returning to Lilah's home, he accuses the girl of acting the part of a Modern Delilah. She denies it, but refuses to incriminate her father. Waring denounces her and goes back to the ranch thoroughly discouraged. That night Lilah recovers the papers and next day she and Lincoln secure an order for a new trial. Lilah hears that the ranchers, believing Waring has turned traitor, are planning to mob him, rides with all speed to save him. She arrives in time to convince the men that her father alone is to blame, and save Waring from being roughly handled. The ranchers apologize and withdraw, while Waring drops to his knees beside the girl, overwhelmed by his gratitude and love.