
类型:剧情 爱情 犯罪  西班牙   1955 

主演:露西娅·波塞 阿尔维托·克洛萨斯 布鲁娜·科拉 卡洛斯·卡萨拉维利亚 



胡安(阿尔贝托·克洛萨斯 Alberto Closas 饰)和玛利亚(露西娅·波塞 Lucia Bosé 饰)曾是感情十分要好的恋人,如今,胡安成为了一名大学教授,而玛利亚则嫁给了富商为妻。意外的重逢将两人之间的爱火重新点燃,在一起幽会的途中,玛利亚不小心撞到了一个骑自行车的人,害怕恋情曝光的她选择了逃避和沉默,最终导致了被撞的伤者不幸身亡。   富商的好友拉法(Carlos Casaravilla 饰)得知了胡安的玛利亚之间的一切,遂即对玛利亚进行了敲诈,与此同时,胡安的内心里也承受着巨大的愧疚与煎熬。在一连串的矛盾和麻烦之中,胡安决定同玛利亚一起去警局自首,但贪恋浮华生活的玛利亚却犹豫了。

Juan is an academic, his career stalled, teaching at the university because of his brother-in-law's prestige. María José is a socialite, married to wealth, bored but attached to her comforts. The two are lovers. On an isolated country road, their car strikes a cyclist; fearing exposure, they leave him to die. Distracted, Juan unjustly fails a student. Rafa, a bitter savant in their social circle, hints that he knows something, and he threatens to expose them to María José's husband, Miguel. Miguel's pride may be the lovers' best hope. Then Juan proposes a solution.
