
类型:剧情  古巴  1968 

主演:塞吉欧·柯瑞里 黛西·加纳多斯 埃丝琳达·努涅斯 奥马尔·巴尔德斯  




Sergio (Sergio Corrieri), through his life following the departure of his wife, parents and friends in the wake of the Bay of Pigs incident. Alone in a brave new world, Sergio observes the constant threat of foreign invasion while chasing young women all over Havana before finally meeting Elena (Daisy Granados), a young virgin girl he seeks to mould into the image of his ex-wife, but at what cost to himself?

【说吧,记忆……】。Crisis of the Intellectual in a Post-Revolutionary Society。别人打了鸡血,我却很衰!。间隙的迷雾:《低度开发的回忆》中的存在主义不满。置身事外的参与者。国家兴亡匹夫有责,然而自私的人却不这么认为。