
类型:剧情 音乐  德国  1996 

主演:西尔维·泰斯蒂 塔季扬娜·特里布 埃马努埃勒·拉博里 西比勒·卡诺尼卡 



在姑姑克拉丽莎(Sibylle Canonica 饰)的影响下,女孩拉拉(西尔薇·泰斯图德 Sylvie Testud 饰)对演奏黑管产生了兴趣,以音乐为契机,拉拉和克拉丽莎之间的关系越来越亲密。面对这一现象,拉拉的父亲马丁(Howie Seago 饰)的内心十分的复杂,因为他和克拉丽莎之间的关系并不和睦。   一转眼十年过去了,拉拉在音乐方面的成就和天赋为她赢得了前往专业音乐学院深造的机会,在克拉丽莎的建议下,她决定搬去柏林与姑姑同住。拉拉的这一决定在家里掀起了一场狂风暴雨,尽管父母都表示了强烈反对,但固执又任性的拉拉依旧我行我素。母亲的去世让拉拉一下子成熟了起来,一番波折后,她终于领悟了家庭和亲情的重要。

Since the earliest days in her childhood Lara has had a difficult but important task. Both her parents are deaf-mute and Lara has to translate from sign-language to the spoken word and vice versa when her parents want to communicate with other people. Getting older and more mature she becomes interested in music and starts to play clarinet very successfully. However her parents are deaf, they cannot share Lara's musical career. The day comes when Lara has to decide between her parents and her own ambitions.
