
类型:纪录片  美国  未知




神话中的大海怪不再是传说!   潜入气氛诡谲的深海,搜寻人们未曾亲眼目睹其活动的生物:水手传言中恐怖且张牙舞爪吞掉船只的大海怪…就我们所知,那是种体重达一吨、身长达六十英尺,活生生的海中生物——大乌贼!   捕食乌贼的抹香鲸将带领我们探访这种生性害羞的庞然大物,藉由安装在鲸鱼背上的海底录像机,随同鲸鱼悠游流览于海底世界。你将彷佛置身在黑暗的幽冥世界,徘徊在幻境与现实之间,目睹那超乎人类想像传说中的大海怪!

The giant squid (genus Architeuthis) seems like a creature from mythology--the world's largest invertebrate (up to 60 feet long), the largest eyes in the animal kingdom, a highly developed brain, a voracious predator. In works of fiction, they are a ferocious enemy of man. But the giant squid is real. Yet all we know about them comes from carcasses washed up on shore or caught in fishermen's nets; Architeuthis has never been seen alive. This documentary looks at the scientific efforts to find a live specimen in nature, focusing on Dr. Clyde Roper's project to attach a "Crittercam" camera to a sperm whale (which feeds on giant squid) in hopes that the whale will lead us to the elusive deep-sea giant squid.