
类型:剧情  法国  1959 

主演:热拉尔·布兰 让-克洛德·布里亚利 朱丽叶特·麦涅勒 



Charles is a young provincial coming up to Paris to study law. He shares his cousin Paul's flat. Paul is a kind of decadent boy, a disillusioned pleasure-seeker, always dragging along with other idles, while Charles is a plodding, naive and honest man. He fell in love with Florence, one of Paul's acquaintances. But how will Paul react to that attempt to build a real love relationship ? One of the major New Wave films.

《表兄弟》死亡比纵欲更幸福。《表兄弟》:黎明前,死于游戏。#新浪潮笔记 Chabrol,Double,Homoeroticism。的确风格。FIFF4丨DAY7《表兄弟》一个外省青年之死。夏布洛尔的一鸣惊人。《表兄弟(Les cousins)》:格格不入【第9届柏林电影节金熊奖】。喧嚣背后致死的虚无。夏布洛尔的《表兄弟》。纸醉金迷。