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过气女星艾青青(杨千嬅 饰)为了爱情嫁给了比自己年长的李姓商人(梁家辉 饰)。青青日益衰老,丈夫也周旋在众多年轻女子身边。青青为了挽回婚姻,千辛万苦找到了媚姨(白灵 饰),她用婴胎做馅所包的饺子,据说吃了之后能使人恢复青春。刚开始青青还是有很大的抗拒感,可是渐渐她就习惯了,但丈夫还是无动于衷,她要求媚姨找到效果更好的极品。这时一个被父亲强奸的女孩来到要求媚姨帮忙打掉孩子,婴儿正是刚好5个月的“极品”,正合青青的意思。但当丈夫重新回到青青怀抱的时候,青青的身上莫名散发着难闻的腥臭味……
In Hong Kong, Aunt Mei is a cook famous for her home-made rejuvenation dumplings, based on a millenarian recipe prepared with a mysterious ingredient that she brings directly from China. The former TV star Mrs. Li visits Mei aiming her dumplings to recover her youth and become attractive again to her wolf husband Mr. Li. Along the sessions, Mei tells Mrs. Li that she was a gynecologist in China with more than 30,000 abortions along ten years. When Mrs. Li requests an acceleration of the process, the opportunity comes when a fifteen years old teenager with a five months incestuous pregnancy comes with her mother and asks Mei to make an abortion.