The Seventh Son0.0

类型:剧情 短片  美国  1912 


导演:Hal Reid 


At the outbreak of the Civil War in the United States, the six sons of widow Beecham enlist. The seventh son is very anxious to join the army and fight for his country, but his brothers insist upon his remaining home with his mother. At the "Battle of Bull Run" three of the brothers are killed. The seventh son, fired with patriotism, goes to the front, leaving his old mother alone. He distinguishes himself for bravery, saving his colonel's life during the "Battle of the Wilderness" at which three more of the widow's sons are killed. The youngest boy, his nerves shattered, flees in terror. He is brought up on charges of desertion and sentenced to death. Secretary of War Stanton receives an appeal from the boy's mother, but refuses to recommend his pardon. The widowed mother calls on the President personally. She is granted an interview. Lincoln listens with the tender sympathy for which he was noted. The bereaved mother unbosoms her overburdened soul and tells him of the six graves ...