
类型:剧情 短片  波兰  2008 

主演:Piotr Sokolowski Zbigniew Zamachows 

导演:Jaroslaw Sztandera 


这是一个有点阴暗又充满希望的故事,演员精彩的发挥使得成为了一部优秀的短片.   被拐骗的男孩长大后就被恋童癖抛弃了,他却对以前的一切还抱有着幻想,为了回到以前他对新的代替品下手,炫耀自己的奢侈过去...并把他交给了恋童癖,但是因为良知和一些原因他选择勇敢面对,当把枪指向那位恋童癖他又会做出什么选择...BY-OACFAN

A 17 years young man, a story about child prostitution and pedophilia. The lives of two boys converge on the central train station in Warsaw, the day before Christmas. Senior - prostitute nicknamed "Luxury", and junior - beginner, a beggar child with a dog. A local taxi driver, the pimp i n the sex business, with teenagers, offers Luxury job pimp. Will the boy to exploit his younger friend, or help him escape the clutches of child prostitution ...?
