
类型:剧情 爱情 奇幻  法国  1970 

主演:凯瑟琳·德纳芙 让·马雷 雅克·贝汉 米切林内·普雷斯利 德菲因·塞里 



来自“灰姑娘”的作者,找带得上戒指的姑娘根本就是灰姑娘的另一个版本。荒唐的国王要娶自己的女儿为妻,在仙女的帮助下美丽的公主披上驴皮化装逃走……   本片改编自17世纪CharlesPerrault编写的一部童话小说,影片与雅克·戴米的名作《秋水伊人》风格相似,其优美的摄影、华丽的服饰、引人入胜的配乐以及颇具现代幽默感的情节,赋予了这部带有童话色彩的歌舞片诗意般的迷人魅力。

The education of a princess wrapped in a love story. A king and queen live happily until her sudden death. The king decides to marry his lovely daughter. She's willing, but the Lily Fairy serves as a social conscience, intent on thwarting incest. She instructs the princess to request a series of dresses impossible to make; however, the king's tailor succeeds. So the fairy plots the princess's escape, wearing the skin of the king's prize donkey. She's spirited away to be a scullery maid dressed in the noisome skin. A wandering prince sees her in the woods and is smitten. Can love find its course, and does the princess learn a lesson of life's hardships?

法国人的童话。《驴皮公主》:每个小女孩都想嫁给自己的父亲。Roger Ebert的影评翻译。一头不平凡的毛驴,不止一场绮丽的梦。