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单亲妈妈简(海瑟•洛克莱尔 Heather Locklear 饰)带着两个女儿霍莉(希拉里•达芙 Hilary Duff 饰)和佐伊一起生活。简虽然在照顾两个女儿方面得心应手,可是在处理自己的感情方面却弄得一塌糊涂,她总是和一个不怎么样的男人开始同居,然后很快出现问题,最后分手。简走马灯似的换男友可苦了两个女儿,她们跟着妈妈一起老是居无定所,从一个男友家搬到另一个男友家,从一座城市搬到另一座城市。 为了能过上正常人的生活,霍莉决定用自己的力量帮妈妈寻找一个可靠的完美男人。当发现简的同事心地善良的兰尼开始追求简时,霍莉正式开始行动了。她暗中以兰尼的名义给妈妈送花、发email、写情书,然而老实巴交不懂情趣的兰尼却迟迟未能赢得简的芳心。霍莉的行动进一步升级,然而,事情却开始慢慢失去控制。
Teenager Holly Hamilton is tired of moving every time her single mom Jean has another personal meltdown involving yet another second-rate guy. To distract her mother from her latest bad choice, Holly conceives the perfect plan for the perfect man.. an imaginary secret admirer who will romance Jean and boost her shaky self-esteem. When the virtual relationship takes off, Holly finds herself having to produce the suitor, borrowing her friend's charming and handsome Uncle Ben as the face behind the e-mails, notes and gifts. Holly must resort to increasingly desperate measures to keep the ruse alive and protect her mom's newfound happiness, almost missing the real perfect man when he does come along.
妈妈我爱你。the perfect man。LOVE IS FRIENDSHIP ON FIRE。当我足够好,才会遇见你。逃避与战胜逃避,遗传与战胜遗传,冒险与战胜冒险。很有感觉。了解和理解&坚持美好的~~~。兰花。在2015年怀念2005年的日子。不要把一个人的出现当做生活的转折。