纪约姆•奈维尔决定将他的前妻奥德和现任妻子卡罗琳邀请到了自己伯母卡米拉•崔西莲的家里共度假期。两位妻子在任何事上都互相敌对,真够受的。   尤其当零时刻到来时:一切细节都已为执行这项完美的凶杀而准备好了。直到有一天早晨,崔西莲夫人死在了床上,头颅被打得粉碎,这个奇怪的家庭聚会最终导致了悲剧...

When Guillaume has the bizarre idea of inviting his ex-wife Aude to a family reunion at the luxurious coastal estate of his wealthy Aunt Camilla, his tempestuous new wife Caroline becomes filled with rage. Guillaume hopes that they'll become friends but the two women despise one another. But things turn ugly when Camilla is found dead in her bedroom - and only the trusty Inspector Bataille can put together the pieces. But as the Inspector untangles her mysterious death, he also begins to unearth dark family secrets, brewing jealousies, and perhaps even a murderer in their midst.


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