法利(阿兰·霍华德 Alan Howard 饰)是当地非常有名的馅饼生产商,性格傲慢的他在社交圈里树敌不少。一天,波洛侦探(大卫·苏切 David Suchet 饰)收到了法利的来信,要求同他见面。   法利告诉波洛自己每夜都在重复同一个噩梦,梦中,他总是于十二点二 八分这个时间点吞枪自尽。这个梦让法利感到非常的焦虑,甚至怀疑自己是不是中了催眠术。波洛当然不相信这种怪力乱神的说法,但对于法利的经历也没有更好的解释。让他没有想到的是,法利竟然真的在不久之后死去了,所有的迹象都表明这是一场自杀。直觉告诉波洛,一切都不是表面看来的这么简单。

Hercule Poirot is puzzled when Benedict Farley summons him to a late night meeting. Farley is known as the king of pies as his company manufactures a well-known brand of meat pies. At their meeting, he tells Poirot of a recurring dream where he takes a gun from his desk drawer, walks to his office window and commits suicide. His only question for Poirot is whether someone could be manipulating him psychologically. When Farley is found dead the next day - in circumstances that appear to match those in his dream - Poirot and Captain Hastings find themselves assisting Inspector Japp in a case that involves false identities and an affair. It is Miss Lemon, however, who provides Poirot with the vital information that allows him to solve the case


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