清晨温暖的阳光射入房间,伴随着小鸟的歌唱,消瘦的年轻人正在床边拆开一件包裹。不久前,刚刚取得学位证书的年轻人即将迎来新生活,他快活地把玩作为礼物的手风琴,当然这样的乐趣少之又少。因为他已经成为一名社会人,即将前往公司去上班,为此母亲还特意送了他一条条纹领带。青年哼着小曲,一蹦一跳愉快地来到上班地点。他走入电梯,前往办公室所在的25层。   时光飞逝,青年脖子上的领带逐渐变换款式,而他的身躯也日渐佝偻,面容憔悴。往昔的快乐不再,有的只是日复一日、年复一年重复枯燥无聊的程序,做着根本没有任何意义的工作……

A solitary man works in a tall office building. The only moment in his drab life that's out of the ordinary each year seems to be opening the birthday card and gift from his mother. Usually it's a tie, but one year it's an accordion. It goes into the closet with his many ties. A year or two later, he discovers what happens to the papers he processes every day. His discovery sends him first to the building's top floor, then to his closet.

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