These are the true stories of American heiresses who travelled to England to marry titled English men in the late 1800s.
Elizabeth McGovern (Downtown Abbey) takes an in-depth look at the young American heiresses whose real life stories inspired the acclaimed TV drama "Downton Abbey." This series takes you from the late 1800s, when daughters of America's new industrial millionaires marry into the money-strapped British aristocracy, to the 20th century, when a new kind of American Princess wields power not through wealth, but through character, style, and wit. Through the decades, these women bring dramatic change to the European aristocracy and eventually the world.
撼动英国贵族的两大法器,是美国姑娘和股票。【翻译】《百万美元贵妇 Million Dollar American Princesses》影评。潜意识里总叫它百万美元宝贝…。求仁得仁又何怨。以金钱换地位。
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