本片拍竣获奖无数,2006年法国安锡(Annecy)国际动画电影节上,更被评为“动画的世纪•100部作品”第58名。 借助上帝之脚,男孩从乡村开始了跳着观察世界的旅程。刚出发,他就被一辆飞奔的汽车吓了一大跳。在乡村见过农夫辛勤劳作、飞禽被猎人从高空射落等悲喜画面后,男孩来到城市,见识世间百态。男孩越跳越大步,从国内跳到了世界各地,看到了更多的人间世象。最后,男孩目睹了一场残酷的战争。
Animated from the point of view of a small child. The viewer is jumping down a suburban street, and progressive jumps are higher and higher. The viewer/child lands in various city settings, a jungle, a battle field, the depths of Hell, and finally back to the street where the adventure began. The film is notable for the use of perspective in pre-CGI animation.
跳出个未来。A Brand-New World。穿上弹簧鞋,做着浪漫事儿。
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