服完兵役的高龄大学生恩植(任昌丁饰)就读于法律系,校园里满是对性充满好奇的年轻男女。可惜外表憨直的他没有什么女人缘,脑筋也是不大好使。一次偶然机会,恩植认识了学校健身俱乐部的头牌队员、校花级美女银孝(河智苑饰),他立马被对方的美貌性感吸引。恩植想尽办法接进银孝,博取好感,却都以失败告终,甚至引发许多误会,比如在公车上,他被银孝当成色狼一脚踢中要害。   后来,银孝迷住了有钱的花花公子相旭(郑敏饰),甚至怀了孕,但最终被抛弃,伤心绝望。与此同时,恩植和银孝之间产关系有了微妙变化。

At Sunjong University, a few students are serious, including Eun-hyo, who works hard at aerobics in hopes of doing well in a national competition. Most students goof off: drinking, partying, and focusing on sex. Eun-shik, a law student who's been in the military, is older but socially inept. He likes Eun-hyo; even though his earnest and simple side appeals to her, his juvenile excesses make him irrelevant when Sung-ok, a good-looking rich kid, charms Eun-hyo. They begin an affair, leaving Eun-shik on the sidelines. The national competition approaches and complications arise.


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