塔克(安德斯·麦特森 Anders Matthesen 配音)是一名正在上六年级的小学生,有一个十分要好的朋友杰森(安德斯·麦特森 Anders Matthesen 配音)。班上的恶霸西装头和黑煞星莫名其妙的将懦弱的塔克视为眼中钉,处处找他麻烦,无奈之下,塔克只能将暴力转嫁到一个喜欢着自己的名为桃乐丝的身上。谁知道桃乐丝不堪受辱,选择了跳楼。   桃乐丝的死让塔克在班上的位置变得微妙起来,他常常收到控诉和恐吓他的信件,塔克不知道这些信件是谁寄出的,有可能是西装头他们,但也有可能是杰森。在一次露营活动中,塔克终于发现了杰森的真面目,但让他没有想到的是,噩梦才刚刚开始。

Terkel is a 6th grader, who is responsible for the suicide of the classmate, who's in love with him! Suddenly it's not just his annoying sister and his alcoholic uncle Stewart Stardust he has to deal with, he receives death treats. Only the new teacher, a young handsome and idealistic man, who the class just loves from day one, is able to help Terkel. But then it all culminates in a school trip.

It's Got You High。很特别的动画。浪漫暴力 残酷青春。蜘蛛仰望蓝天、rap等等。另类,冷笑话,各类元素杂糅。爆搞笑的台普语配音。我魂都吓掉了。

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