影子是每个人最不能丢弃的忠实伙伴,本动画片里自卑的男人却用它同魔术师交换了财富和幸福,有了舒适的房子、车子和美丽的妻子,可是失去影子后,妻子离开了他,他并没真正得到幸福,也仍不是一个自信的人。意识到没有影子的自己并不快乐并不完整之后,他放弃了从魔术师那里换来的一切,开始在全世界找寻自己的影子。   男人找遍阿拉伯、中国等国家,一无所获,后来,他来到某个地方,那里的人们正在表演传统的皮影戏,没有影子的男人重新找到自己的位置。

A solitary man without a shadow rises from his desk, dons his hat, and leaves his apartment. He walks through a city to a large door, knocks, shows his invitation, and is admitted to a colorful scene. He walks through drawing rooms and gardens. He speaks with a man in a top hat who offers him a life of romance, but in that life there is betrayal. Is there a place in the world for our man without a shadow?


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