因为前世所犯下的罪孽,白蛇(范文芳 饰)苦苦修炼却无法成仙,为了了却夙愿,她必须找到吴王夫差(李铭顺 饰)。在寻人的途中,白蛇和青蛇(张玉嬿 饰)大打出手,又惹恼了高僧法海(焦恩俊 饰)。之后白蛇才知道,吴王夫差早已转世成为了名叫许仙的男人。   因为自己的过失导致了母亲的死亡,许仙陷入了深深的自责之中无法自拔,他故意自我放纵放浪形骸,只为了惩罚自己的不孝。白蛇找到了许仙,想要帮他重回正轨,与此同时,青蛇亦和法海纠缠不清。立志斩妖除魔的法海想要收了白蛇和青蛇,为了抗争,白蛇导演了一出水漫金山寺令生灵涂炭,法海将白蛇压在了雷峰塔下,并告诉她,二十年后,他将回来寻找白蛇和许仙的孩子,带他出家。

This blockbuster Taiwanese gongfu serial, about love, revenge and hidden motives, is based on the Chinese legend of Madam White Snake and her lover, Xu Xian. Fann stars in four different characters in this serial, together with Taiwanese actress Yuyan Zhang, who plays her sister Green Snake. It is produced by the renowned Taiwanese producer Pei-Pei Yang and her team, and also features acting talents from China, Taiwan and Singapore.


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