同性恋人尼古拉斯(克里斯托弗•施拉姆 Christopher Schram 饰)和格雷格(麦克斯•瑞瑟 Max Rhyser 饰)在床上缠绵。然而,这一切将在周末终结,因为尼古拉斯要去参加高中死党亚伦(马修•沃森 Matthew Watson 饰)的婚礼,而格雷格则要飞向别的城市。对于送别,他们意见并不统一。尼古拉斯讲述了他必须要参加婚礼的原因:亚伦曾经与他共度难忘的青葱岁月。在一次露营中,尼古拉斯尝试着亲吻了亚伦的女友,被后者逮个正着,一顿铁拳伺候,至今嘴角尚有疤痕。从此,两人决裂,尽管他曾经写过几封挽回的书信,但是石沉大海。所以,尼古拉斯想在婚礼上跟亚伦澄清当初的误会。在派对上,尼古拉斯向姐姐吐露了内心的苦闷与纠结。但是这一切让格雷格非常不爽。周末的早晨,尼古拉斯留下了字条便去参加亚伦的婚礼,格雷格默默地望着字条,缓缓地把字条团成了一个纸团……

Nicolas, a young man in his mid 20s, struggles to decide whether or not to go to the wedding of his best friend from high school, Aaron, who he's always been quietly in love with. The two had a falling out years earlier after Nicolas inexplicably kissed Aaron's girlfriend. Nicolas clings to an idealized image of his former friend, unconsciously sabotaging his own happiness in the process. The film is a realistic slice-of-life that poses the question "How do you get over something you never had?"


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