这一次,波罗(大卫·苏切 David Suchet 饰)和他的搭档黑斯廷(菲利普·杰克森 Philip Jackson 饰)受人邀请参加了一场狩猎会。在狩猎会上,负责骑在马背上驰骋打猎的当然是英姿勃发的黑斯廷,而波罗的主要任务,就是和广大的妇女儿童们一起在树荫下闲聊,等待着享受战利品的美味。   然而,让所有人都没有想到的是,在狩猎的过程中队伍中发生了一场意外,有人受到了误伤,这场意外让整支队伍都变得躁动惊慌。祸不单行的是,波罗发现自己发烧了,迷迷糊糊的他被送往了医院安排住院。就在当晚,别墅里的富翁遭人谋杀,虽然波罗卧病在床,但这并没有阻碍他进行了一场精彩绝伦的推理。

Hercule Poirot accompanies his friend Captain Hastings on a weekend shooting party at the home of Harrington Pace, but he isn't having a very good time. He comes down with the flu and takes to his bed but when Pace is shot dead in his study, he rises to the occasion to assist Inspector Japp in solving the case. Pace was not very likable and treated those around him badly. He refused to acknowledge his illegitimate half brother, who worked on the family estate as the gamekeeper, refusing him even a small loan that would allow him to marry. His two nephews did not benefit from the family wealth having been told they may inherit something on this death. The solution to the case lies in correctly identifying the mysterious housekeeper, Mrs. Middleton, whom Pace had hired for a month and determining her exact role in this mysterious affair.

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