Two prisoners in complete isolation, separated by the thick brick walls, and desperately in need of human contact, devise a most unusual kind of communication.   故事讲两个监狱犯人,处于完全禁闭状态,但通过非常奇特的手法互相沟通。   本片的导演系著名同性恋作家,影片表现了人类交流的欲望,带有较赤裸裸的同性爱画面。摄影非常出色,有一点尚·考克多作品的意味。

Two prisoners in complete isolation, separated by the thick brick walls, and desperately in need of human contact, devise a most unusual kind of communication.

不来一发吗少年?—— 肉体在幻想中胜利。爱欲文明,规训惩罚。。困闭不得欲依然。做论文时的杂记。。幽闭之爱——《Un chant d'amour》(《情歌恋曲》)。

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