受女明星简(海伦·格蕾斯 Helen Grace 饰)所托,大侦探波洛(大卫·苏切特 David Suchet 饰)要完成一项令他颇为头痛的任务——说服简的丈夫艾奇韦尔男爵(约翰·卡索 John Castle 饰)同他的妻子离婚。波洛本以为这是一件难办的苦差事,没想到艾奇韦尔男爵轻而易举的答应了简的离婚请求,这让波洛感到十分不解。当天夜里,艾奇韦尔男爵死在了自己的书房里,种种证据表明,他死于谋杀。   在搭档的协助下,波洛对这起案件展开了调查,根据目击证人的证词,当晚只有简进过艾奇韦尔男爵的书房,可是简出示了她的不在场证明,并且有大量人证,在这相互矛盾的线索中,聪明的波洛看出了破绽。

Lady Edgware, the well-known stage actress Jane Wilkinson, has a dilemma in that her husband has consistently refused to give her a divorce. She asks Hercule Poirot to visit the man to see if there is any possibility of convincing him. Lord Edgware is nothing short of nasty, treating all those around him very badly. When he is found dead, there is no great surprise, but there certainly are a good number of suspects. The police believe Lady Edgware to be the culprit, but she has a cast-iron alibi, having attended a private dinner over the time her husband was killed. There is also the man's nephew, who would inherit his fortune, and his personal assistant, whom he treated very badly; and then there is the family butler, who clearly has his own interests at heart.


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