在因毒品交易入狱的两年间,Garrett发现他的政客父亲和从事媒体意识的母亲都否定他。当他出狱后,他希望回到原来的生活,但他的父母好像什么活动都没有发生,要Garrett从事他们允许的行业。Garrett拒绝了,他决意远离从前去做他自己。当他年亲的弟弟诺亚出走,并且可能低头自我毁灭时。 O'Hara夫妇必须求助于他们的儿子。

While serving a two-year prison sentence for supposed drug dealing, twenty-six year old Garrett O'Hara found his politician father and media-conscious mother had all but disowned him. Upon his release, Garrett is determined to get his life back on track, but when his parents act as if nothing happened and insist Garrett return to a career he pursued only to please them, Garrett refuses, wanting to distance himself from the past and make a go of it on his own. When Garrett's teen-aged brother Noah has run away, and may be heading down a familiar path of self-destruction, Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara must seek help from the very son they once turned their backs on.

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