这是钱德尔自《谎言堂》后回归主演Showtime剧集,讲述1987年10月19日,华尔街遭遇史上最剧烈的股市暴跌,一队外来人士摧毁了华尔街那由蓝血贵族长期把握的财政体系。钱德尔饰演自学成才的股市大佬,兰内斯饰演股票交易神童,豪尔饰演一名操盘手主管。《嫁给我》编剧搭档David Caspe和Jordan Cahan写剧本并担任主创,明年1月开播。

Travel back to October 19, 1987-aka Black Monday, the worst stock market crash in the history of Wall Street. To this day, no one knows who caused it - until now. This is the story of how a group of outsiders took on the blue-blood, old-boys club of Wall Street and ended up crashing the world's largest financial system, a Lamborghini limousine and the glass ceiling. The outrageous comedy series stars Don Cheadle, Andrew Rannells and Regina Hall.

一切都是为了钱。请回答1987。大致还是感情戏?。是部学习金融英语的好剧。华尔街那些事(美剧简评,Black Monday)。赚钱容易丧命难,手把手教你如何一秒暴富,然后破产。华尔街有多精彩,一天的剧情拍一集,一年后的黑色星期一我们至少要等7年。华尔街真的有“剪领带”传统吗。87年出生的我生在红旗下终于成为韭菜,美国一群人在资本主义里沉沦。豆瓣9.0,华尔街史上最剧烈的股市暴跌!。

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