Miami - A desperate banker needs to conceal stolen money. A Haitian-American gang lord wants to go legit. A Cuban-American hacker has an idea that will revolutionize the very future of money itself. Forced to work together, they unwittingly create their version of the American dream - organized crime 2.0.
创业你输的起吗?(内有剧透)。走投无路怎么办?创业吧!。神剧潜质:原来是非常黑暗的犯罪惊悚剧。阶级,难越。种族背景下的曙光。这么神的剧竟然只有8.1,我不服。看了第一集就已决定追。创业不易,都是钱闹的。很想和编剧聊聊!。20160914, s01e06, follow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~。
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