At a modern cycling hostel, there are seated three men, while in a stand adjoining are stored a couple of cycles. Another cyclist rides up. Placing his wheel in the rack, he proceeds to join the other two cyclists in an animated discussion. A fourth, noting the all-absorbing interest with which they are discussing their point stealthily makes his way to the rack and takes the newcomer's cycle, with which he rides hastily away. Finishing their conversation, they turn towards the rack for their cycles, and at once discover the loss of one, and pointing in the direction in which the cyclist had gone, they start to follow the thief. Up hill and down dale, through country lanes the chase goes merrily on. Two policemen stop the cyclist, who has thrown off his coat and hat and appears in cycling costume. He persuades them that he is only off on a heat or speed test and they allow him to go away. An automobile which the pursuers have pressed into service comes along and explains to the policemen the situation. They invite him to a seat, and follow quickly after the cyclist, who is seen proceeding down a number of stone steps, and half-way down he knocks over a couple and rolls them to the bottom until they arrive at a fountain, when they are stopped. He descends still more steps, they seeming almost interminable, and dashes into a window in which a party are partaking of a wedding breakfast. In his haste, running over the table, he drags the bride from her seat of honor and takes her along with him, clinging to the cycle, and falling down to the yard below. So rapid has been his ingress and exit that the guests have hardly realized what has happened to them, but, missing the bride, they proceed to follow the cyclist to get her back. Not knowing what to do with the fainting woman, he puts her on the cycle before him, and rushes off just as they are about to catch him, after breaking through a wall. Breaking away again, rushing through country districts, he comes to a quagmire where it is very hard pedaling, and the police, making a short cut, intercept him in his traveling through the morass, and. after braving many dangers, the bride is restored to the waiting arms of her husband, thus ending an exciting kidnapping with another man's bride.

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