Seth Collison是个痴迷的男人,在他那间充满异国风味的住所里安置了21部摄影机,默默地监视着每一个阴暗的角落。什么也逃不过他的眼睛。突然间的一场冲突过后,满屋尸体横陈。接着,警察透过这21部摄影机来着手调查谋杀案,查明动机。他们发现的竟是一个布满背叛和欺骗的错综复杂的故事……

The viewer becomes the eyes of two detectives who never appear on camera as they unravel a mystery on a video screen, watching tapes from twenty-one hidden cameras which have captured a crime in progress. Three gunmen break into the home of gem dealer Seth Collison to steal the Sophia Diamond, a thirty-three carat stone valued at ten million dollars. Five minutes later the gunmen are dead. The case is closed before police find out about the hidden cameras. At eleven o'clock that night, the task of watching the tapes falls to secondary detectives Blu and Scotty. Through their eyes we discover what really went down.

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