John Blakely is a handsome young widower, father of a girl of five, and working in Morgan's office. Mrs. Morgan falls in love with him, and when he refuses to call she vows vengeance. Mrs. Morgan manages to have John appear guilty of theft, and Morgan, because of John's child, tells him to clear out. Shortly after Mrs. Morgan dies and confesses what she has done. But Morgan can then find no trace of John. John has gone to live in the Canadian wilds with his daughter, Dorothy. Years later Morgan's son, Paul, goes out there with a prospecting party. The two young people of course fall in love, and all would have been plain sailing if John had not found out Paul's identity from a letter he receives. He decides to kill Paul. He finds Dorothy in the arms of a man and so shoots him. The man is Dick Thornton, John's best friend, to whom Dorothy has come for advice. Then Paul and his father arrive. The mistake is all explained away so that Paul and Dorothy marry.

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