
类型:悬疑  地区:韩国  年份:1977 

故事   南方秒的渔民小型突即将艺术mochinsang警卫并伴有得到一个七天长假回老家,而被定罪,五年前,一个朋友的谋杀,无处五年的尸体漂浮在海藻领域sseokja好客haejyeoseo海藻hyunghyung我把一切都归于索多尔。鉴于索多尔的尴尬,陪审团审查了五年前的事件。当离开这种对抗是萨满和海岛的精神统治者方之间,老人守卖给年轻人和一名守卫旅游gaebalji土地高度岛屿和chobun是每个萨满当局,鬼瓢虫党alrija负只有被错觉驱离悬崖的索多尔的侄子,才能使该岛代替索多尔。

So-dol, serving a prison sentence after being accused of murdering his friend, gets a 7 day leave from the prison when his mother dies. As soon as he and the guard assigned to him arrive in the village, strange events begin to occur. A 5-year old corpse is discovered floating in the harbor and the entire seaweed harvest spoils. So-dal's guard begins an investigation and find that the supernatural is very real in this remote island

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