
类型:动画  地区:英国  年份:2009 

《Yellow Belly End》是一部寓意深意的动画短片。它讲述了一只金丝雀在悬崖边日复一日的、冷酷的记录从跳崖自杀的动物的信息。一直以来,金丝雀都是冷漠的置身事外,直到有一天,一只猫逃离现场时留下了一个箱子,好奇心驱使他打开了箱子...而这也促使他开始进行良心的反 省...最后,在一只牛的帮助下,他获得了某种解脱。   之所以说这是一部寓意颇深的短片是因为在各个角色及其行为的解释上,每个人都可以有自己的理解。金丝鸟就是死神吗?还是渴望成为人类的某种外在身份?我们应当怎么面对他人生命的结束?......   本片是英国国家电影电视学校(National Film and Television School)学生Philip Bacon 2009年的作品,并获得过众多奖项。

A man in a canary outfit sits at the edge of a cliff behind a small desk. He watches as other people in animal outfits come up to the edge of the cliff and throw themselves off - making a tally in his book of what animal it was and treating himself to a jelly bean corresponding to the animal suit that just jumped.

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