一只尽忠职守的狗狗正吵着让它的主人带自己去遛弯儿,于是他们上路了。公园里,它看见一个跳绳的小女孩,可它担心摇动的绳子会伤害到主人。于是一顿狂吠中,小女孩被吓跑了。它又看见一只可爱的松鼠,依旧,它想到的仍是对主人生命的威胁,松鼠也被它吓跑了。接下来的旅程让狗狗更加惶恐不安,鸟巢里的雏鸟、叶上的螳螂、挖洞的土拨鼠以及飞舞的蝴蝶等等,都让它如临大敌。它凶狠的狂吠着,以为如此就是在保护自己的主人,可结果,却出乎它的意料。   由被誉为动画界昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的美国知名动画导演比尔·普莱姆顿执导的动画短片《带路狗》,荣获2005年第77届奥斯卡(美国电影学院奖)最佳动画短片提名。

An exuberant dog that growls, barks, and shows his teeth at the slightest provocation convinces his owner to take him on a walk. The dog pulls on the leash as they head for the park. Once there, a series of animals (a bug, a bluebird, a mole, and others) as well as a flower attack the dog's owner while the dog is always late or ineffective in performing his guardian duties. Will all end well as the dog escorts his owner home?

智者见智仁者见仁。冲动是魔鬼。夜半中招。解析奥斯卡提名短片《带路狗》。guard dog。走,狗。这狗有天赋。

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