这部由被誉为动画界昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的美国知名动画导演比尔·普莱姆顿执导的喜剧动画短片《很黄很暴力》,再次以趣味诙谐的动画形式,演绎了一番敏感争议的“性与暴力”的主题。在短短的不足八分钟的时间里,你将看到二十四段人生小插曲。其中七段关于性,十段描写暴力,另外的七段则刻画了人性的弱点,尤其是挑战身体的极限。这二十四个短暂而微小的瞬间被无尽放大甚至凝固,而它们,就发生在我们身边。 《很黄很暴力》以戛然而止的叙事风格,加上看似随性粗糙的人物变形设计,活脱脱构造出了一个冠以“比尔·普莱姆顿”标签的独特影像世界。
In eight minutes, animator Bill Plympton gives us 24 vignettes: seven are clearly about sex, 10 about violence, and seven others deal with human frailties, particularly the body as it ages. There are three stories of persons with confused priorities (including a guy tying his shoe while parachuting); the world's first phone sex; and a clever, if dangerous, way to find a lost key. Except for the titles of each sketch and a couple of jokes that turn on noise, these are visual trips into the psyche of men, women, God, animals, and Time (the enemy of us all).
Sex and Violence。很黄很暴力 很有贵国特色的翻译。找钥匙那段非常有趣。。。。在如此快节奏的环境下还是来点慢节奏的画吧。
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