本动画片根据家喻户晓的同名童话改编。   小女孩在需要帮助时得到一朵能给人带来快乐的七色花,她用六片花瓣实现了许多心愿,可是并没变得更快乐,当花瓣仅剩一片,她思忖要怎样好好利用时,遇到了一个残疾的男孩。

Girl Zhenya gets a magic flower. Its seven petals are the seven desires that she can fulfill. Zhenya does not immediately understand what she got in her hands, and the first six of her desires are empty and meaningless. "Six petals spent and no pleasure," she states. Only with the last petal she makes a real good deed - helps the boy Vitya, curing him of lameness, after which they joyfully play touch and run game.

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