一家日本电视台筹划“台湾不良高生改变计划”节目,栏目组抵达台湾,由此与几个年轻人产生了互动……意外购得暗杀名刀“全丸”的断掌三兄弟筹划行劫,却一直被有道德洁癖的疯警察(戴立忍 饰)追索。而十七岁的高才生林祖状(光良 饰)自幼为自己过长的下体苦恼,所幸在十岁那年,贩卖黄书的书店郑老板(陈升 饰)收纳林祖状在店内帮手,亦用黄书使林摆脱自卑,得到女性的安慰,岂料林从此对真人失去兴趣,令暗恋他的女生谭小英(刘虹桦 饰)心碎。不久郑老板急病身亡,遗嘱林祖状拜访他暗恋多年的疯警察之妻,林在警察家里终于确定了自己的真爱,他带着郑老板的期许,去找寻那个心中的女孩……

Lin, a 17 year old high school student thinks the most important thing in his life is his collection of 4,572 porno magazines. Cheng, owner of the biggest pornography store in Taiwan, became Lin's only friend. Before dying, Cheng told Lin "Take this key, go to that place, then you will know what is love, what is sex, and what is the meaning of life."

《爱情灵药》的政治解读——台湾电影《爱情灵药》的真实内涵。谁的爱情,你的灵药?。美好的性。卡夫卡陆的评论很好。爱是性的灵药or性是爱的灵药?。爱 是高潮。解读爱情灵药。喧宾夺主。缺乏“性”渠道。我给满分。

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